Thursday, August 22, 2013

Neograft/Safer FUE Hair Transplant (

Hair Transplant result is getting more and more refined, natural and consistent with passing years. As a result of which Hair transplantation is gaining huge popularity. FUE technique is gaining popularity because of its inherent advantages. Its minimally invasive, no scalpel use, no stiches, almost pain free and faster recovery.

Neograft/Safer device is the latest advancement in hair transplantation. Neograft/Safer is an advancement over the motorized FUE. This device is close to robotic hair transplant. FUE, till recently was performed manually making the procedure very tedious and time consuming. Now, with the NeoGraft/Safer Hair Transplant machine the problems with a manual FUE procedure have been eliminated.
This device does a transplant procedure in a shorter time with minimal damage. NeoGraft uses pneumatic pressure to extract the follicles and implant them as well. As the follicle shaft is not held with forceps it is also called "No Touch" FUE hair transplant. There is no  handling of the grafts with forceps and therefore minimizes the damage to the follicles. Finally, with NeoGraft technology the transection (damage) rate is extremely low. There are many advantages with this advanced hair transplantation technique keeping the cost reasonable. To conclude the advantages: minimal pain, minimally invasive, scarless, faster recovery. It is very useful for those who wish to spend less time in one sitting.
We are routinely doing more than 1000 grafts in less than 3hrs with FUE technique. The procedure can be repeated multiple times.
The common apprehensions regarding FUE hair transplant are transection rate of graft harvest, time of the procedure, cost and expertise. In our centre the transection rate is very low. We complete more than 2000 grafts in 5-6hrs. Our team is very experienced with many years of experience in hair transplantation. There are few more modifications to the technique vis-a-vis direct hair transplant which reduces the out of the body time for graft drastically. As the graft is immediately implanted following harvest, the ischemia time for graft is almost zero.

kindly check my videos on this technique.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Butt lift - common request from african and south american ladies

Concept of beauty varies significantly from region to region. Fuller butt is liked across all races but extremely voluminous butt is a sign of beauty in Africa and South America. The rapid transition for the narrow waistline to a wide and fuller butt and upper thigh has a tremendous sexual appeal in these subcontinents.

Autologous fat transfer is the procedure of choice in these group. Multiple sessions of fat grafting can be done to get the desired volume. The result is very natural and customized. Side effects are also minimal.
We get patient's request from Nigeria, Ghana, Tanzania, Kenya, Congo, Sudan and many other African countries. Medical Tourism from Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, United States and Canada has increased many fold.