Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Medical tourism for Cosmetic surgery and Hair transplant surgery

There has been increasing demand for cosmetic surgery and hair transplant surgery from US and Europe. With dollar appreciation, the effective cost of cosmetic surgery and hair transplant surgery has reduced by almost 20%. 
Our centre uses the best of the instrumentation, majority of them are being imported from US and Europe. In spite of the increasing cost of instruments, we have tried to keep the price of the procedures same as before. This has made medical tourism to india more affordable. The quality and result at our centre in Delhi, India is at par with the best of the centres in the world.I feel this is right time for getting your hair transplant and cosmetic surgery procedures. Majority of the cosmetic surgery procedures varies from US $ 800 to US $ 2000. Our hair transplant rates is very affordable too. We are charging US $ 1.2 per graft with FUE technique and US $ 1.6 per graft for body hair transplant.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Breast augmentation with anatomical breast implant

Silicon breast implant surgery is a very common aesthetic procedures. Over the years, manufacturers has been continuously modifying the characteristics of the implants to decrease the side effects and enhance the aesthetics. Anatomical breast implant is the latest buzz word from the manufacturers. Anatomical breast implant gives a better shape and projection. The post operative result following the breast implant surgery is more natural. The cost of the procedure increases by US $ 500 (Rs.30,000). I feel the procedure of anatomical breast implant surgery will gain more popularity with increasing awareness and the patients understand that the advantages far out weighs the extra cost incurred.

Beard and Moustache transplantation

We commonly have young males coming to our centre for beard and moustache hair restoration. In majority, the secondary sexual character or hormonal profile is normal. Restoring beard and moustache in such group of patient works wonder for the patient both socially and professionally. Numbers of follicles required to fill up the absent or decreased density of beard can range from 2000-5000. Follicle transplantation also gives excellent result in a scar in the beard, moustache and eyebrow.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Extensive baldness (Norwood VII)

Hair restoration in extensive baldness is difficult. The main concern is the availability of donor hairs. The back of the scalp may not be sufficient enough to provide the adequate numbers of follicles. Frequently we have to use the beard and body hairs to get the desired of hair follicles.